Prof. Dr.

Maria Gagliardi


Short bio:

Associate Professor of Private Law at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa. PhD in Comparative Law at the University of Florence. Since 2011 she also teaches Insurance Law at the University of Pisa, Department of Economics. Her main research and teaching activities include: insurance law, privacy data protection and new technologies, tort law (mainly medical malpractice and personal injury damages), family law (mainly identity issues and protection of children), Individual protection and risk society, and several interactions of related topics.


Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Pisa – DirPolis Institute

Research Area:

insurance law, privacy and new technologies, tort law (mainly medical malpractice and personal injury damages), family law (mainly identity issues and protection of children)

Geographical Area:

Italy, UK for insurance law