Prof. Dr.
Barbara Pozzo

Short bio:
Professor of Private Comparative Law, Director Department of Law, Economics and Cultures, Coordinator Ph.D. Program in Law and Humanities, UNESCO Chair: Gender equality and women’s rights in the Multicultural Society, Director of the Summer School Program in Comparative Environmental Law. She has received her J.D. from the University of Milan and her Ph.D. degree in Comparative Law from the University of Florence. Since 2014 Prof. Barbara Pozzo is Titular Member of the International Academy of Comparative Law.
Università degli Studi dell’InsubriaResearch Area:
Comparative Law Methodology, Environmental Law, Energy and Climate Change Law. Comparative Law and Language, Legal Translation, Multilingualism and Multiculturalism, Law and Literature, Law and Cinema, Gender Policies in a Comparative Law Perspective, Comparative Corporation Law, Fashion Law.