Relevance of Contract Law Solutions Under a Pandemic

Authors: Reza Moradinejad


Table of contents
1. Force Majeure: A Plausible Solution
1.1. Characteristics of Force Majeure
1.2. Effects of Force Majeure
2. Revision of Contract for Imprévision: An Impossible Solution
2.1. Imprévision under the Civil Code of Lower Canada
2.2. Evolution of Quebec Contract Law: More Place for Equity
2.3. Civil Law Reform Project
2.4. Imprévision Under the Civil Code of Quebec
3. Duty of Good Faith: A Marginal Solution
3.1. The relational Contract Theory in Quebec Law
3.2. Scope of Obligation of Cooperation in Relational Contracts
4. Extraordinary Governmental Programs: An Out-of-the-Box Solution
5. Conclusion
